Purpose Through Grief
Over the past months, I have read many books, listened to countless podcasts, sought wisdom and understanding in so many places, and lost hours pouring over photos, text messages, childhood memories, and any and everything to find my way. I have been distraught, relieved, angry, hurt, and numb.
A kind person shared a book with me and it has helped somewhat. Marisa Renee Lee's Grief is Love: Living with Loss has helped me to understand that grief means love has happened. Amid such unspeakable loss, one must celebrate the love for such a beautiful life. My journey through grief will never end on this earth, but I hope to continue to find ways to celebrate such an incredible love and person.
Cora and I ran together. She would always join me, (often without preparation), on my runs. Our last race together was the St. Patrick's Day run in 2019. It was such a great time! When I realized that this year's race was scheduled for March 11, Cora's transition day, I knew we'd need to run this race too. What a great way to celebrate Mother and Daughter love! When I began to prepare, it opened my heart up to so much that Cora's life taught me. She was always ready to run alongside you when the cause was great. She took the "valleys" of life with the same smile and effort as the "hills". And she always ran one mile at a time! When she crossed that finish line at the 37th mile, I know she was smiling and would want me to do the same. I know she will be with me on the 11th and I will celebrate the joy of our life together.